React Native Development Outsourcing: Benefits, Costs, and Tips on How to Do It Right

  • 9 min
  • Dec 19, 2022
Aida Kubatova

Aida Kubatova

Content Writer

how to build a product at reduced cost


Outsourcing React Native development has become increasingly attractive for companies looking to create mobile apps. Companies can quickly launch their apps thanks to the cost savings, flexibility, and access to a large talent pool outsourcing can provide. Therefore, outsourcing can be a smart choice for businesses because it helps them save time, money, and resources.

Outsourcing your React Native development project is a great way to access experts who specialize in the technology and can guarantee your project is completed quickly and cost-effectively. In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourcing React Native application development services and provide tips on making the most of them.

When and why should you outsource React Native development?

React Native outsourcing can be handy if you don't have in-house developers with experience in React Native or if you want to quickly ramp up the development of your app. This is what you should expect when outsourcing React Native development:

Reduced time to market

Outsourcing React Native development can potentially help reduce the time to market for a project. By outsourcing, you get access to a global talent pool and potentially find development teams that can work quickly and efficiently. This can accelerate the development process and allow you to bring your product to market faster.

Reduced cost

When you outsource React Native development, you are also reducing business costs in several ways. This means that your company can avoid paying for salaries, benefits, office space, and other overhead costs associated with having in-house employees.

Increased focus on core business activities

Also, by outsourcing your React Native development, you free up your in-house team to focus on other essential business activities, such as marketing, sales, and customer service. This change can improve overall efficiency and productivity and allow your company to better compete in the marketplace.

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing?

Some potential advantages of outsourcing React Native development include access to a broader talent pool, potential cost savings, and the ability to focus on other aspects of your project. However, there are also potential drawbacks, such as communication challenges and managing the outsourcing relationship.

pros and cons of development outsourcing


There are several potential benefits of outsourcing app development, including:

  • Cost savings. Outsourcing can often be more cost-effective than hiring in-house developers, especially if you're working with a team in a country with a lower cost of living. 
  • Access to a global talent pool. Outsourcing allows you to tap into a worldwide pool of developers, which can be particularly beneficial if you are looking for specialized skills or expertise. 
  • Increased flexibility. Outsourcing your development allows you to scale up or down as needed without worrying about hiring or laying off employees. 
  • Improved project management. Many outsourcing companies have extensive experience managing development projects, which can help ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget. 
  • Reduced overhead costs. Outsourcing allows you to avoid the costs associated with hiring and training in-house developers and providing them with equipment and tools. 
  • High quality. Outsourcing companies often have access to the latest technologies and best practices, which can help ensure your project is developed using the most advanced techniques. And, you won’t need to pay for the latest software updates yourself. Also, outsourcing companies can often provide a higher level of quality due to their experience and expertise in development. 


There are also a few potential drawbacks to outsourcing development you should look out for:

  • Communication difficulties. Effectively communicating with people from various cultural backgrounds and time zones can be challenging. This can lead to misunderstandings and delays. 
  • Loss of control. When you outsource development, you're giving up some control over your project. It can be incredibly challenging if you're unfamiliar with the outsourced team's processes and ways of working. 
  • Security concerns. When outsourcing development, you entrust sensitive company information and intellectual property to a third party. This can raise security concerns and increase the risk of data breaches or other security incidents.

What affects the cost of outsourcing React Native development?

The cost of outsourcing React Native development can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the location of the development team, and the team’s experience and skill level. It's important to carefully evaluate these factors when estimating the cost of your project. Here are several common factors that can affect the cost of React Native development: 

  • The project’s complexity. The more complex the project, the more time and effort it will require, increasing the overall cost. 
  • The development team’s size. A larger development team will be able to work more quickly and efficiently, which can help to reduce the final cost of development. 
  • The developers’ experience. Developers with more experience and expertise will typically charge higher rates, which can increase the project's overall cost. 
  • The development team’s location. Labor costs can vary significantly depending on the development team's location. For example, developers in the United States or Western Europe will typically charge higher rates than those in other parts of the world. 
  • The project’s expected duration. The longer the project takes, the more it will cost. It's important to carefully estimate the duration of the project and plan accordingly to help control costs. 

These and a few other factors affect the cost of React Native development. It's important to carefully consider them and work with a development team that can provide a clear and transparent cost estimate for your project.

Average developer's salary worldwide

How can you find a reliable vendor?

When looking for a vendor to outsource React Native development, it's essential to carefully evaluate their experience, skills, and reputation. This will help you protect your interests and ensure that you work with a reliable and trustworthy vendor.

Where can you find a reliable vendor?

Here are a few platforms where you can find reliable vendors with a proven track record of delivering high-quality results:

  • Upwork is a popular platform for finding freelance developers who specialize in React Native. You can search for developers with specific skills and experience and review their profiles and portfolios to find the right person for your project.
  • Clutch is a platform that connects businesses with agencies and development firms. You can use Clutch to search for React Native vendors based on their location, size, and expertise and read reviews from their past clients to help you make a decision.
  • Toptal is another platform that connects businesses with top developers and small teams. You can use Toptal to search for React Native developers and review their profiles, ratings, and portfolios to find the right fit for your project.
  • LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that can be useful for finding React Native vendors. You can search for React Native developers, agencies, and firms on LinkedIn and connect with them to learn more about their skills and experience.

What should you consider when choosing a vendor?

To ensure you select a vendor who is capable, reliable, and a good fit for your project, it's important to carefully evaluate vendors before making a decision. Here are a few factors to consider:


Make sure the vendor you choose has a strong team of developers who are proficient in React Native and have a good understanding of the technology. Ask about their team's experience and qualifications to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality results. This may include a degree in computer science or a related field and a certification in React Native or other relevant technologies.


Look for vendors who have a proven track record of completing React Native projects. Check their portfolio to see examples of their work, and ensure they have experience with the specific type of project you are looking to outsource.


Start by asking for recommendations from colleagues, friends, or industry professionals who have worked with React Native vendors. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their own experiences. Research the vendors you are considering by reading online reviews and testimonials from past clients. This can give you a good idea of their level of expertise and the quality of their work.

Team composition 

Team composition is an important factor to consider. You want to ensure the vendor has a strong team of developers who are proficient in React Native and have the skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality results. Look for a team with solid project management skills that can effectively communicate with clients and stakeholders throughout the development process. This will help ensure that your project stays on track and is completed on time and within budget.

Tips for successfully outsourcing React Native development 

To ensure a successful outsourcing experience, here are some tips you can follow: 

  • Clearly define the scope and requirements of your project to ensure that you and the vendor are on the same page. 
  • Regularly communicate with the vendor to stay up-to-date on the project's progress. Use a project management tool to track progress and manage any issues. 
  • Be prepared to adapt to any changes or challenges that may arise during the development process.


In conclusion, outsourcing React Native development can be a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to access skilled developers and quickly get their projects off the ground. By outsourcing, companies can save money on labor, reduce the overhead associated with hiring in-house employees, and access a wider talent pool. 

To ensure a successful outsourcing experience, it's essential to carefully choose a development partner, communicate clearly and regularly, and establish clear expectations and goals for the project. By following these tips, businesses can maximize the benefits of outsourcing and ensure a successful outcome for their React Native project. 

Ready to bring your app idea to life? Let's talk. Contact us today!



  1. Outsourcing React Native development provides cost savings, flexibility, and access to a broad talent pool, allowing companies to quickly launch their apps. It’s an intelligent choice for businesses that can help them save time, money, and resources.

  2. The cost of outsourcing React Native development can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the location of the development team, and the team’s experience and skill level. It's important to carefully evaluate these factors when estimating the cost of your project. Here are several common factors that can affect the cost of React Native development: 

    • the project's complexity
    • the development team's size
    • the developers' experience 
    • the development team's location
    • the project's expected duration
  3. The cost of hiring a React Native developer can vary depending on several factors. You can expect to pay more for developers with more experience and higher skill levels and those located in countries with a higher cost of living.


Aida Kubatova

Aida Kubatova

Content Writer

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